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731 The Comptroller General: A Study in the Law and Practice of Financial Administration 65 1939. It is clear that Congress has consistently viewed the Comptroller General as an officer of the Legislative Branch. The Reorganization Acts of 1945 and 1949, for example, both stated that the Comptroller General and the GAO are "a part of the legislative branch of the Government. " 59 Stat. 616; 63 Stat. 205. Finally, in the Budget and Accounting Procedures Act of 1950, Congress referred to the "auditing for the Government, conducted by the Comptroller General of the United States as an agent of the Congress. " 64 Stat. 835. Like the already existing statutory responsibilities, then, the history of the Comptroller General statute confirms that the Comptroller General should be viewed as an agent of the Congress. This is not to say, of course, that the Comptroller General has no obligations to the Executive Branch, or that he is an agent of the Congress in quite so clear a manner as the Doorkeeper of the House.

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, and McMillan, J. J. 1996. Accounting students' perceptions of questionable academic practices and factors affecting their propensity to cheat. Accounting Education, 53, 191 205. Anwar, Y. , and Amarullah, F. 2006. Perbedaan Persepsi Mahasiswa Akuntansi Terhadap Etika Penyusunan Laporan Keuangan. Jurnal Akuntansi dan Keuangan Indonesia, 31, 107 126. Bakar, K.
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The great thing about these movies, which has probably led to the huge popularity of the animated movies, is the fact that they appeal to adults and children alike. A mother does not mind sitting through a Disney movie with her child but an episode of Tellytubbies can be wearisome. To the uninitiated, it may be a surprise that each Disney movie comes accompanied with a movie book. These books are published under the Mouse Works banner and contain a simple version of the story. This can help in encouraging children to not only see the movie but also to read books, which hopefully will extend to other forms of reading at some time. Though the company is proud of all its movie productions, some of them have attained the stature of classics based on their popularity. Abound with simple, yet meaningful songs these movies can expose the child to emotions, morals and ways of the world while telling a story. Toddlers seem to enjoy the light evilness of some of the characters like the witch in Snow White and Cruella De Vil in the 101 Dalmatians. Alternately, some of the most endearing characters that Walt Disney movies have created are Tramp in The Lady and the Beast in Beauty and the Beast. But most of the leading characters in inspire awe and amazement aided by the color, grandeur and dazzle. Some of the Walt Disney films that have become all time favorites of most kids are The Lion King, Toy Story, Aladdin, Beauty and the Beast, The Jungle Book, The little Mermaid, Sleeping Beauty, Lady and the Tramp, Cinderella and of course Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.
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If your stone doesn't pass on its own, you may need surgery or a treatment that can break it into small pieces. The most important thing a patient can do is to rule out the cause of the pain with the help of a health care provider. Reviewed by Graham Rogers, MD. Rheumatoid arthritis. Than I have remember my episode and started to think about some sexually transmitted disease and one friend even told me that this type body aches with no fever are often first sign of Aids. Please someone tells me Hopefully this remains at aches and chills and youre able to move on!He needs b12 injections with full blood test s. My husband has been diagnosed with Strongyloides. You might get chills because of an infection that starts when you have a kidney stone. Some of these include: If your symptoms do not go away after five to seven days or appear to be getting worse, or if you're a part of a high risk group, you should see a doctor to be diagnosed. It is considered to be a sign of an infection. Though chills are often followed by a fever, there are times when one might only experience chills and body ache.
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The U. S. recorded more than 80,000 new cases on both Friday and Saturday the highest marks ever though testing has expanded dramatically over the course of the outbreak, making direct comparisons problematic. The true number of infections is thought to be far higher because many Americans have not been tested, and studies suggest people can be infected without feeling sick. On Wall Street, stocks had their worst day in more than a month, amid the surging caseload and mounting doubts that Washington will come through with more relief for the economy before Election Day. The SandP 500 slid 1. 9% Monday, while the Dow Jones Industrial Average shed 650 points, or 2. 3%. On Monday, the White House coronavirus response coordinator spent the day looking around North Dakotas capital city and proclaimed the COVID 19 protocols to be the worst shes seen in her travels around the country. Dr. Deborah Birx, whose tour has taken her to nearly 40 states, said she found the absence of face coverings and the lack of social distancing in Bismarck deeply unfortunate and a danger.