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Hard work for research scientists involves a variety of both mental and physical efforts, usually necessitates working for long hours, and is accompanied by some perspiration. Sweating correlates particularly well with difficult efforts, and has a purely subconscious origin; it is valuable not only for keeping body temperature from getting too high, and also serves to identify work that requires strong exertions. For working on research investigations in laboratories or in the field, both inspiration and perspiration are very useful!Both can overcome practical problems e. g. , finally getting a new experimental protocol to work after having many failures, constructing a good new concept to explain a set of unexpected data, modifying and developing a new method or instrument in order to be able to collect data that answers a research question, etc.

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Phil. , Ph. D. ScholarLanguage in India is an open access journal. Language in India does not charge readers or their institutions for access. We have agreements with several database organizations such as EBSCOHost database, MLA International Bibliography and the Directory of Periodicals, ProQuest Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts and Gale Research for indexing articles and books published in Language in India. Articles published in Language in India are peer reviewed by one or more members of the Board of Editors or an outside scholar who is a specialist in the related field. Since the dissertations are already reviewed by the University appointed examiners, dissertations accepted for publication in Language in India are not reviewed again. Articles published in Language in India are peer reviewed by one or more members of the Board of Editors or an outside scholar who is a specialist in the related field. Since the dissertations are already reviewed by the University appointed examiners, dissertations accepted for publication in Language in India are not reviewed again. INSTITUTES and DEPARTMENTS OF LINGUISTICS, INDIAN LANGUAGES, SPEECH AND HEARING, AND ENGLISH LITERATURE!SEND YOUR ANNOUNCEMENTS TO APPEAR IN THIS PLACE!Thanks, my dear friend!You are most welcome to send articles for publication in Language in India .
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" "In principle, all scientific journals should have open access, as should be science itself. Open access journals are very helpful for students, researchers and the general public including people from institutions which do not have library or cannot afford to subscribe scientific journals. The articles are high standard and cover a wide area. ""The widest possible diffusion of information is critical for the advancement of science. In this perspective, open access journals are instrumental in fostering researches and achievements. " "Open access journals are very useful for all scientists as they can have quick information in the different fields of science.
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Darrell Rigell, a professor of dermatology at New York University and an expert spokesman for the American Academy of Dermatology, said research like Conney's is needed badly because "skin cancer is a major problem. I hope this treatment can prove itself, because there are more skin cancers than all other cancers combined in the U. S. "He said there is a need for a "morning after" treatment for skin cancer, a therapy that would reduce cancer risk after excessive sun exposure. Rigell said that although hairless mice are commonly used for such research, "there is really no good animal model for skin cancer. The hairless mouse is the best of a bunch of bad choices" for testing skin cancer compounds in the laboratory. As a result, he said, "a lot of things that work in mice cannot be extrapolated to humans. "He said other treatments that showed promise in mice have often failed when tried on humans. Conney said the next step in studying the topical effects of caffeine will be to use the solution on people who are highly susceptible to skin cancer people who have a precancerous condition or who already have had skin cancer. About the Author:JH Reynolds is a coffee enthusiast who travels around the world in search of the best beans and exotic flavors. To find out more about the exquisite art of coffee, please visit Clarence CarterExcessive weight is the health concern shared by many of us, but how many have been able to get rid of it.
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