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"It's going to sound a little strange at first. It's that games are a platform for maximizing productivity for gamers, and goods and services for other people. There's, like, no use of the word 'fun' in there. "He elaborated: "You start to see this thing happening in lots of games where you have markets and auction houses, and trades in goods between different customers. And the appalling thing that happens is that someone will play your game 20 hours a week for four years, and then the value of that all goes to zero. It's like you bought a house, made a lot of improvements on that house, and then when you move to your new house, you have to start over with no value for the investment you made. "Newell was looking for a way to let players keep their "investment" long after they stopped playing a game. Skins did just that. But the billionaire also revealed that he was concerned about unleashing something that he couldn't control. "I'm worried that there are a set of initial conditions that have different outcomes," he said. He hoped to avoid those unintended consequences, which he called "turbulence," by "putting in the right kinds of structures.

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Scott. 1975. New Designs for Elementary Curriculum and Instruction. 2nd ed. New York: McGraw Hill Book Co. In Gaudencio V. Aquino. 1998. Curriculum Planning for Better Schools. Second Edition. Manila: REX Book Store.
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Edgenuity trusts the integrity of teachers, administrations, and even students themselves, to ensure that students learn and succeed fairly, wrote Deborah Rayow, Edgenuitys Vice President of Instructional Design and Learning Science, in response to Oklahoma Watchs questions. Edgenuity, an Arizona based online curriculum company, is being used by at least some virtual students in Norman, Union, Stillwater and other school districts. Another program, Exact Path, is being used in more than 400 Oklahoma districts. The state Education Department used CARES Act funds to enter into a $2. 6 million contract with parent company, Edmentum, to offer Exact Path free to districts. Exact Path is an online learning tool that can be used for assessment and instruction in kindergarten through 12th grade. Districts are, in some cases, using Exact Path even when school is in person, to make it easier to pivot to distance learning because of an outbreak or need to quarantine. Edmentum says because Exact Path adapts to individual students, it is difficult to use online social networks to find answers. And the company works with popular homework help sites like Quizlet and Brainly to ensure our content is not posted on their sites, a spokesperson said. One of the most effective things teachers can do to prevent cheating is to design their own online curriculum, or at least supplement the platforms assignments with their own, said Derald Glover, assistant executive director of the Oklahoma Association of School Administrators. The bare minimum schools should be doing this year is placing a student on a virtual school platform and letting them go, he said.
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The Executive Committee discusses and decides on the following matters:1 Matters delegated by the General Assembly Delegates Assembly2 Overall task execution and establishment of operation policies 3 Matters concerning the establishment and revision of various regulations4 Composition of various committees5 Deliberation and composition of agendas for various meetings 6 Matters necessary to execute other tasks for the unionSection 2. Detailed matters pertaining to the management of the Executive Committee shall be prescribed in separate regulations. Section 1. Auditors shall consist of two members with certain qualifications and shall be elected by a direct, secret, and anonymous vote of members. Section 2. The functions of the auditors are as follows. 1 Audit of the union's duties, finances and budget execution2 Auditors shall report their audit findings to the President and the Delegates Assembly, and shall report to the union within 15 days. Section 3. Auditors should conduct an audit at least once every six months, and disclose the contents and audit findings to all members of the union. Section 4. Auditors shall conduct an audit without delay when requested by the President or by more than half of the delegates.