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The air here is dense and warm not at all like the Northwest which has been my home for so many yearsI am a foreigner here and yet it seems this will be my home a new journey, a new place, a foreign place. I find myself looking for cedars and doug fir instead finding magnolia and oak. I am shedding the mist and the cloudy vistas of Washington state for the intense heat and blue blue skies of eastern Tennessee. Its a comfort to find familiar plantings, things I in my old garden , and know they will grow here as wellkind of like markers assuring me I wont be alonewent to a yoga class yesterday a woman was wearing an none the less she persisted t shirt again a marker telling me it will be ok. There are known things here among the unknown. Im taking all those known things and adding them to a bouquet of all the unknownmagnolia leaves just around for the clipping,verbena and zinnia, hibiscus and more i have yet to discover. I tell myself that, as a foreigner, I have new eyes and they will show me what i need to know and what can bring delight I had not anticipated. These foreign/stranger eyes seem scary right now. as if I have lost my roots. Im unsure of how I will grow in this new landwhat soil I will need what kind of nourishment I will find makes me want to up and run and yet at that very same yoga class I chose two words to help me in my oh so very beginning practicethey were Just Stay and so I will for a timeI am wondering where cultivating the eyes of a stranger might be necessary and nourishing for you?what markers would you be looking for in a new space?what would give you peace in the midst of a foreign land?The light in the heart of a foreigner is his or her old world, the world where he or she was brought up. To many foreigners, grass on that side of the hedge is always greener.

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M/C Journal/C Journal was founded as "M/C a journal of media and culture" in 1998 as a place of public intellectualism analysing and critiquing the meeting of media and culture. As such, it is fully blind peer reviewed, but also open to submissions and responses from anyone on the Internet. They take seriously the need to move ideas outward, so that our cultural debates may have some resonance with wider political and cultural interests. Each issue is organised around a one word theme see our past issues, and is edited by one or two editors with a particular interest in that theme. The editors change for each issue. Each issue has a feature article which engages with the theme in some detail, followed by several shorter articles. A major problem with Internet publications is that of usage and citation of online sources. Without pagination, long articles are awkward to read and individual quotes and references difficult to locate. In terms of length, M/C articles are deliberately shorter than articles in printed academic journals, functioning as interventions into media and culture. In terms of reference, individual paragraphs are numbered as "bits", so that instead of guesses like "about three screens from the end" or a mere "no pagination given", when you cite M/C articles you can refer directly to the bit you're interested in. Additionally, at the end of each piece they provide a reference citation of the article line in MLA and APA styles, which you can copy and paste into your own list of references.
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1995. A crisp sulfur in the nose reminiscent of traditional German lagers. High effervescent carbonation that is accentuated by the lactic acid bite. It ends with a clean candy tart with wisps of grain. This is a citrusy twist on our Phoebe Blonde Ale. For this version, we zested and juiced over 700 limes by hand yes, lots of went into this one!But the resulting beer is a crisp, clean ale with a tart, citrus zip!Our hazy IPA is sweet and citrusy with a sturdy body built by adding oats into the mash tun during the brew process. Chinook, Cashmere, and Centennial hops give it a perfect, juicy bite to complement the creamy mouthfeel. Fruit and oatmeal. its like breakfast in a glass!Our Oktoberfest is a smooth, malt forward Mrzen brewed with Barke Vienna and Barke Munich that showcase the bready, sweet, and rich malt aromas and flavors that the style is best known for. The soft finish of floral notes provided by Crystal and Hallertau hops, along with a deep orange amber color from the malt make this the perfect brew for an autumn afternoon. Who says you cant teach an old dog new tricks?Our award winning Dapple Dog Dry Stout has been steeped with 20 pounds of local Blackbeard Coffee beans and brewed with vanilla and pumpkin spice.
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Doing an internship in an area related to your curriculum when youre pursuing your Associate Degree is a valuable experience. You can get credit toward your Associate Degree and the experience goes on your resume as professional experience. However, a student will in all likelihood not get offered the job you would get when youve earned either your Bachelor Degree or your Doctoral Degree. You may be offered a job that you would like to do while youre continuing to go to school to get your advanced degrees, but youre advanced degrees will be necessary to achieve your ultimate goals. During the pursuit of your Advanced Degrees you can do additional internships for credit, following the outline and requirements of the degree conferring institution, which in turn may also lead to other employment opportunities. While youre a student this is an ongoing fluid situation offering enormous, exciting, and endless possibilities. Your Associate Degree is a great beginning. Being able to earn practical experience and credit towards your degree is an exciting prospect that adds an additional virtual dimension to the educational process. No longer is simply a classroom education with a 4. 0 GPA enough. Employers want to see the multi dimensional thinking necessary to succeed in the very dynamic and ever changing workplace.
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to 5:00 p. m. each day. The course fee is $450. 00 for any format and includes instruction and access to any webinar/recorded webinars and online simulated exams bring your own exam references for 45 DAYS. If you wish to RETAKE this course after the 45 days has expired, there is a $150 R take Fee.