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1 billion records exposed in total. This is one of the findings of the 2019 Year End Data Breach QuickView Report from Risk Based Security although the total number of 2019 breaches disclosed so far 7,098 is up only one percent. New York Times: North Koreas Internet Use Surges, Thwarting Sanctions and Fueling Theft. North Korea has vastly expanded its use of the internet in ways that enable its leader, Kim Jong un, to evade a maximum pressure American sanctions campaign and turn to new forms of cybercrime to prop up his government, according to a new study. Phys . org: Food share apps seeking to help environment. Jack Convery pops into a London branch of Italian eatery Coco di Mama to grab a cut price lunch ordered on his smartphones food sharing app Karma. The 27 year old Amazon employeewith an eye for a bargain and for helping the environmentuses a mobile phone app that sells surplus food from hundreds of UK restaurants at discounted prices. Good morning, Internet Do you like ResearchBuzz?Does it help you out?Please consider supporting it on Patreon. Not interested in commitment?Perhaps youd buy me an iced tea. I your comments, I your site suggestions, and I you.

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The standards and criteria of assessment are transparent, appropriate, and rigorously adhered to by all markers. The programmes themselves attract a strong, diverse and intellectually vibrant student body whose standard of performance is extremely high. Nowhere is this more evident than in the strong dissertations produced by students, which engage critically and imaginatively with historiography as well primary sources, and demonstrate a real ability to formulate original arguments and interpretations. Once again, I feel that the Masters programmes offered by the LSEs Department of International History have lived up to their strong reputation. The programmes are designed to offer students plenty of choice and include an appropriate range of coursework and independent research. The courses on offer are extremely well designed and cover not just a wide range of topics but also a wide range of approaches to the study of International, Imperial, and World History.
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Ali Baba did his best to comfort her, and set out to the forest in search of Cassim. The first thing he saw on entering the cave was his dead brother. Full of horror, he put the body on one of his asses, and bags of gold on the other two, and, covering all with some fagots, returned home. He drove the two asses laden with gold into his own yard, and led the other to Cassims house. The door was opened by the slave Morgiana, whom he knew to be both brave and cunning. Unloading the he said to her, This is the body of your master, who has been murdered, but whom we must bury as though he had died in his bed.
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And smile. Sadly didnt get around to going back at night, but heres a picture of what we saw:I just hope that children who walk past wont see it later as the one eyed demon that ruined Christmas anything abnormal, and will be too focused on the light thats staring into their souls how awesome and blown up that Christmas decoration is. Though, Id like to think that the people who own this house didnt keep it up when if they noticed the unfortunate light. I think know my parents would have noticed, and would have laughed long and hard before taking it down. Have to say though, that was the most memorable Christmas display seems like the wrong word to use for some reason from this past year. BONUS: Samhain is pronounced Seh my ah not sam hain as Id once thought and always occurs on October 31st for the Northern Hemisphere.
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To safeguard against this, try entering your URL on a new line rather than at the end of a line. Even if your URL is at the end of a sentence, you dont need to put a period behind it. Putting any type of punctuation after your website address can mess up the formatting and break the link. Now, this is a foolproof way to be sure that your links will workbefore submitting your article, preview it and click the links in your resource box. If not, then you can go back into the edit page of your article and make your corrections. Maybe you typed your URL incorrectly, or maybe you made one of the mistakes listed above. At any rate, isnt it great to figure out that your links dont work when you still have the opportunity to correct things?Absolutely!After you write your article and get it all entered into the submission page, just take an extra few seconds to be sure that your links are formatted correctly and workingyoull be happy you did!Today I would like to share an invaluable SEO web design technique to refine the focus of your pages using images and alt attributes for create relevance for SEO. Sculpting the focus of your pages translates into coherence and relevance for search engines. For example, if you have repetitive elements on a page, such as a legal footer that is 200 words of legalese, a tag line in your title tags, overpowering navigation which breaks down as a cascading tree menu, then all of these things are impacting the word count, text to link ratio and either increasing or diffusing the relevance of each page. With examples such as this, you may consider using an image as an alternative make a high res image with that text instead and use that instead of text to lower the co occurrence or non specific keywords and replace the nebulous shingles of text. If in doubt, then look at your pages Google cache in text only view by clicking on a search result cache link then selecting text only link to see how spiders really see your pages with all of the style sheet information removed.