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Confronting Subjects With Details. When Erdely sought comment, she missed the opportunity to hear challenging, detailed rebuttals from Phi Kappa Psi before publication. The fact checker relied only on Erdelys communications with the fraternity and did not independently confirm with Phi Kappa Psi the account Rolling Stone intended to publish about Jackies assault. If both the reporter and checker had understood that by policy they should routinely share specific, derogatory details with the subjects of their reporting, Rolling Stone might have veered in a different direction. Rolling Stone is not the first news organization to be sharply criticized for its reporting on rape. Of all crimes, is perhaps the toughest to cover. The common difficulties that reporters confront including scarce evidence and conflicting accounts can be magnified in a college setting. Reporting on a case that has not been investigated and adjudicated, as Rolling Stone did, can be even more challenging. Balancing sensitivity to victims and the demands of verification. Over the years, trauma counselors and survivor support groups have helped journalists understand the shame attached to and the powerlessness and self blame that can overwhelm victims, particularly young ones. Because questioning a victims account can be traumatic, counselors have cautioned journalists to allow survivors some control over their own stories.

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, and Huseman, R. C. 1994. Equity Sensitivity and Outcome Importance. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 15, 585 596. Hatfield, J.
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Magnetic resonance imaging is accurate to detect bleeding in the seminal vesicles in patients with hemospermia. Urology 2008 ; 72: 838 842. Google Scholar Crossref Medline ISI 7. Fuse, H, Sumiya, H, Ishii, H. The patients would avoid intercourse for the fear of hemospermia. If this phenomenon lasts for a long time, patients would develop dysfunction.
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Causes for the Failure of Students in Developing Writing Skills at the HSC Level in BangladeshMasters Dissertation . Sukanto Roy, M. A. in ELTSelected papers from the National Seminar NEW VISTAS IN ELT: EMPOWERING ENGINEERS FOR EMPLOYMENT Conducted by the Department of EnglishPSNA College of Engineering and Technology, Dindigul 624622Tamilnadu, India . Editors:Dr. Joseph Thomas, Ph. D. G. Vijay, M. A. , M.
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All extended filings will be audited. Late Reports If a member files a late after January 31, 11:59 PM EST CRE report to SOFE, the member will be charged a $75 administrative charge for the processing of the late filing. All late reports will be audited. Any member who does not submit their CRE report by March 31 will lose their designation unless waived for good cause by the Executive Committee. The member may be eligible for reinstatement by following SOFE's reinstatement process, which also entails payment of a $100 reinstatement fee. See "Reinstatement," below. Record Keeping and CRE Audits CRE reporting is accomplished in the Current Year CRE Detail area accessed via the member's Profile link in the Member Only area of this website. It is recommended that CRE credit be reported as it is earned throughout the year. NASBA should be selected as the provider for any course provided by NASBA organizations with the appropriate NASBA number entered in the applicable area for reference purposes. This site also includes the names of previously recognized CRE providers not currently listed by NASBA. Members are allowed to obtain CRE credit from other sources, but it is up to the member to ensure the course meets SOFE guidelines and requirements and to submit an application for the source to become an approved provider.