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When your actions and words communicate that you sincerely care for your students, they are more likely to want to perform well for you and enjoy coming to school. Caring also fosters a preventive approach to discipline, as students who feel cared for are more likely to want to please you by complying with your wishes and policies. It is a tragedy when a student mistakenly believes that his teacher does not care for or like him. In most cases, teachers do care but fail to do the things that directly communicate this valuable message. Figure 1. 7 lists some strategies to communicate to your students that you care about them. Figure 1. 7. Strategies to Show You Care Show an interest in your students' personal lives Greet the students by the front door as they enter the classroom Watch for and touch base with students who display strong emotion Sincerely listen to students Empathize with students Show an interest in your students' personal lives Greet the students by the front door as they enter the classroom Watch for and touch base with students who display strong emotion Sincerely listen to students Empathize with students Inquiring about aspects of students' personal lives is a powerful way to communicate that the students are important and cared for. You can do this by asking about a recent trip, a hobby, or a sports activity. Some teachers make it a point to watch sporting events that their students are involved in, which is a wonderful way to show students you care about them beyond the classroom walls.

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Blogging for Profit. Blogging is becoming an increasingly popular way for entrepreneurs to earn a living online while doing something they really enjoy. In many cases bloggers can profit with very little effort. There may be quite a bit of work involved in the beginning with designing a method of gaining revenue and promoting the website but once this is established simply maintaining the blog with regular postings may be enough to keep the revenue rolling in. Two of the most popular methods for generating a profit from blogging include advertising methods. This includes advertising with AdSense and securing independent advertisers. This article will discuss these two methods of advertising on a blog. Using AdSense is one of the most popular ways for bloggers to generate revenue from their blog. This method is so popular because it is also very simple. AdSense is a program offered by Google where bloggers agree to have advertisements on their website and are compensated when users click on these advertisements. Bloggers simply have to create a blog and submit the website address of the blog as well as some other information to apply for participation in AdSense.
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The best among us are people that dont let anything get in the way of their learning process; these people make it their life motto to wake up every day and learn at least one new thing before going to bed. And these people are all around us; we are these people. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of appraisal of academic stressors and coping strategies on stress responses and academic motivation in junior high school students. In the first survey, subjects were made of 233 junior high school students. It was shown that appraisal of academic stressors, dependent emotion focused coping and avoidance coping all were positively related to stress responses. On the other hand, positive emotion focuced coping was seen negatively related to stress responses. In a second survey subjects were made of 495 junior high school students. It was shown that appraisal of academic stressors were negatively related to feeling of self growth and academic motivation; but probrem solving coping was positively related to a feeling of self growth and academic motivation. "I'm just not good at taking tests. ""There is too much information for me to remember. ""Sometimes I just get overwhelmed and my mind goes blank.
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Find more detail here: Elementary Reading/Literacy Block Reboot from Just Read, Florida!This sample class has five small flexible groups that are formed based upon ongoing assessment results. The teacher meets with three groups daily during sessions 1, 2, and 3. While not working with the teacher, students will be working in small groups at literacy centers. I face the same problem as Michele. its very difficult. I have students in one class 6th grade with skills from 1st to 3 5. and in a classroom with no room for me to take a small group or at least not adequate room for me to work with more than one student at at time. There is a concern at my campus regarding the 90 minute block and dual language. How can a teacher teach both English and Spanish Language Arts within a 90 minute block and do small groups at the same time?That is easy why you can't incorporate it all together. Teach vocabulary words and Spanish at the same time. Make it out of a game, have the kids put on skit in Spanish about what they readThe problem Special Educators face is that we teach more than one grade level at a time and are required to teach the regular standards/curriculum to each grade AT THE SAME TIME!This doesn't leave much time for differentiated instruction, which is what these students truly need.
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The driving habits in general might be a bit intimidating, depending on what youre accustomed to. This is more evident on intercity transportation, as speeding and passing other vehicles in no pass zones is common. The most dangerous transportation is generally found when navigating the mountain roads. There are a few best practices that can help you to stay out of harms way. When driving in the mountains, overcrowded buses have a harder time when braking. This is really important through the winding downhill roads. Occasionally there are really horrific accidents when a bus cant brake in time and ends up going over the side of the mountain. Try to avoid overcrowded buses. If you dont feel comfortable with the way the bus is being driven, your best bet is to get off and wait for another bus to come along. Trusting your gut when it comes to transportation is important. Just because you see other people doing it doesnt mean that you should too.