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He wrote me 100 pages of truth,apologies and the onloy confession to his crimes. He is 87 years old serving life in Miss. state prison. I aso have 3 completed true stories of my conversionto Christianity all books written to help youth restart life by using me as an example. Lastly, I have a 20 year collection of Christian Art that I drew. All I need is a typest,editor,and publisher financing. My book was front page covered by The Clarion Ledger Newspapre of Jackson, Mississippi, by Pulitizer prize nominee Jerry Mitchell. I do not want money for myself, but do want to help young eople and minorities. Please call me at 228207 3002 or 228 392 2586 parents for any details. I believe in miracles and hope you are the person God will touch and make this possible. Please hurry, I just had cancer stomach tumor removal and may not have but two more years left.

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For an employee transferring from full time status the nominal salary shall be that which would be the case if the employee were continuing in full time status. For any other appointee to reduced time status, the nominal salary shall be that which would be appropriate if the employee were appointed to full time status as specified in Article 9. 9c. ii Any increases for a continuing reduced time employee shall be made to the nominal salary as if they were a full time employee. iii Each such appointee shall receive an actual salary pro rated from the nominal salary according to the reduction in workload. iv An employee already on reduced time status at the time this Collective Agreement takes effect shall receive a salary adjustment, where required, to satisfy the terms of Article 9. 10b. c Unless prohibited by agreement with the carriers, the Employer shall provide a reduced time appointee with the same benefits and coverage as specified in Article 39 for employees and shall, where applicable, contribute to the cost of these plans on the basis of actual salary. d For the purposes of any assessments of performance, including career development increments, Research/Professional Achievement Awards, promotion, tenure, and confirmation of a member of the bargaining unit on a reduced time appointment shall be assessed solely on the basis of their actual workload; but a career development increment or research/professional achievement award to a reduced time appointee shall be pro rated in the same manner as salary in Article 9. 10bi. e An employee on a reduced time appointment shall be entitled to sabbaticals at times as defined in Articles 20.
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Names that you will hear when searching for a luxury, or designer watch,Cartier ballon blue on sale, include Movado, Cartier, TAG Heuer, and Baume and Mercier. Each of these brands is known for their distinct craftsmanship and high quality watches. These timepieces are an investment; you will spend several thousand dollars for a luxury watch and will be able to use this watch for many years to come. While there are some individuals that may indeed wear a luxury watch on a day to day basis, many men store these keepsakes in safes and vaults and wear them on luxurious occasions. A watch can transcend two genres'accessories and jewelry. Precious gemstones like diamonds, pearls, and rubies instantly transform a simple watch into a stunning piece of jewelry. The inherent beauty of a Bulova diamond watch is exquisite and breathtaking. Bulova diamond watches will turn heads and garner compliments; yet a Bulova watch isn't flamboyant or gaudy. Current men's watch trends include large faces, bright colors, rubber bands, stainless steel framework, and dual time features. Trendy watches include those from Swatch, Seiko, and Mark Ecko. Trendy watches can be worn with casual attire or dressy attire depending on the style of watch.
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It helps you memorize an idea. Even if you do nothing else, the act of writing helps you memorize the idea better. I often remember the things I write down without looking back at my notes. 4. It trains you to express your thoughts. I often take lessons from my experiences and write them down in my journal. Since I want to write a concise statement that summarizes the lesson, I need to think for a while to make it concise. This is a good exercise for me because over time I can express my thoughts better. 5. It helps you expand your ideas. When you try to come up with a sentence to express an idea, you are thinking actively about it.
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